Get Real about Center Cue Ball
Hal Houle stated it best…directly to my ears.
American pool players do not have a center cue ball system like the Filipinos do. What Hal meant was, American players are not in possession of an objective center cue ball system. Hal knew that if the American players had such a system, they’d use more center cue ball and their games would be significantly better.
What the purportedly great minds of our games have not realized is that players are working with unequal cue ball halves. Since that knowledge is still in its infancy, players are probably better off to play away from center. If a player does not know where the true center is located, it’s easier to find the sides.
There’s still an undercurrent out there that likes to think that CTE is all about center cue ball to the exclusion of spin. Hogwash!
If American players would learn the CCB system that Hal Houle referred to, our USA pool community would see a boost in their skill levels, and YES this applies to all Mosconi Cup hopefuls.
The true center cue ball system that Hal referred to is for the most part not taught by USA instructors. Why? They don’t believe in CTE. They don’t want to understand it. And most would have a hard time demonstrating CTE properly as a professional system.
I’ll say it again—just because pro players use and advocate spin, it does not make it optimal. The consummate pro such as Efren Reyes possesses center cue ball skills as well as sidespin skills. To ignore what Hal Houle knew is to akin to remaining in a dark cave.
Step out into the light and take a look at S/s3. It’s a whole new world of what center cue ball actually entails.