What’s Under Your Hood?
When the hoods are lifted and the underpinnings of conventional aiming and CTE can be seen, what is it that stands out as the major contrast?
For the conventional aiming engine a pushing motion can be observed. That pushing motion can be described as the cue ball being pushed directly forward in a straight line to the object ball to achieve the desired CB OB relationship.
There are a zillion push lines.
For the CTE aiming engine a gearing motion between two spheres can be observed. One sphere turns to the inside while the other sphere turns to the outside to achieve one of four major, repeatable gearing relationships.
Professionals players do not possess push engines. Their engines are comprised of two spheres that gear.
Check out my comprehensive CTE book (Center Pocket Music: Using CTE PRO ONE To Improve Your Pool Game) that deals with gearing from A to Z.