Bonafide Center-to-Edge Aiming

The true story of Center to Edge Aiming is recorded in my comprehensive CTE book.

Hal Houle’s work with CTE included the following topics: CB edge aiming from an offset, sighting with the center of the cue ball, the visual gearing of two spheres, the turning of one’s nose/vision to the inside of center cue ball for optimal parallax viewing, pivoting to a specific half of the cue ball, his round barn story information, and the specifics about how 2:1 regulation playing surfaces tie directly to CTE.

My body of work, CTE PRO ONE, defines each of the aforementioned Hal Houle domains of study and their absolute role as an integral aspect of CTE. In addition to completely defining the aforementioned spokes of the CTE wheel, in several instances I provided refinements to specific areas to establish a language that 100% explains how to aim and align.

My complete body of AUTHENIC Center to Edge Aiming work can be ordered at

And with a resounding YES, CTE PRO ONE is 100% THE bonafide Center to Edge Aiming!


Stan Shuffett


Food for Thought

