The most important CTE skill that you can develop to the hilt is GEARING.
Professional players gear CB-OB relationships. Instantaneously, they see shot solutions. Don’t count on them to explain gearing. They’ll likely dis any mention of it. The last thing that most pros want to happen is to have been wrong all these years and for Hal and I to have been right all along.
CTE at the foundational level consists of lines. Working with those lines will serve to build perceptions, CB OB gearings as whole that can be seen without any attention to lines. Lines are geared connections that occur between two spheres. There’s a set of three gearings that repeat over and over for the zillion shots on a 2:1.
CTE is not just a popular aiming system. It’s not just a fad or a way to aim and align. CTE is THE WAY to it.
It’s impossible to reach one’s full potential with anything less than CTE gearing from PX that connects with the right angles on a two by one.